Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

If someone has permanent loss of their eyebrows (i.e., losing the eyebrows ' follicles forever), the person may opt to have an eyebrow transplant. Eyebrow loss can be due to a variety of reasons. The hair loss in eyebrows is due to continuous plucked hairs from the same places. However, loss of eyebrows could be caused by permanent makeup or other serious conditions like chemotherapy for skin cancers or cancers (typically alopecia areata).

When eyebrows are lost in certain cases, they still have an opportunity to develop. However, people with permanent loss frequently need the procedure of transferring their eyebrows. Eyebrow transplantation is the procedure of transferring hair follicles extracted from any donor area, most often from the area behind the head. Then they are placed in locations that have lost eyebrows.

DHI Method for Eyebrow Transplantation

Transplants of the eyebrow are one of the most precise and challenging hairs transplant procedures. When it comes to eyebrow transplants, it is crucial to get the appearance of a natural one. It would help if you observed the angle and direction of the grafts transplanted with an alert, well-trained eye to ensure that they're in the original arch and order of the brow.

At Hair Clinic Istanbul, eyebrow transplants are done using a DHI hair transplant procedure. The main reason to use this DHI method is that it permits more precise transplantation and allows doctors to reach between existing eyebrow hairs with greater ease than those using the FUE procedure.

Stages of Eyebrow Transplantation

Concerns with aesthetics are the primary concern when it comes to eyebrow transplantation. We must create a custom procedure plan based on each patient's specific needs.

The Four Steps of an Eyebrow Transplantation

Eye transplantation is a simple procedure that requires around 200-300 grafts, and the process typically takes between 2 and 3 hours. Three steps occur on that day, along with the only follow-up procedure the following day after the procedure.

Consultation: The eyebrow's appearance is assessed during a physical exam. In this phase, the doctor will create an operation plan considering the patient's facial features and demands. The doctor will evaluate the recipient's area and the hairs in regions of the donor.

Removal of Grafts This is the first stage of the procedure itself. There is a way to extract the donor grafts by using the method of shaving that is typically applied to people with hair that is long. The minimal number of grafts required makes this procedure complete quickly. The process of harvesting these grafts through the use of the method that is not shaved requires a small part of the back of your head to be cut. So"unshaven" refers to the fact that the "unshaven" part of the word refers to the fact that the remaining portion of the hair will cover the tiny spot that we shaved. The shaved area where we will take transplants will not be apparent to anyone else.) When removing the hair follicles, just single hairs will be extracted in contrast to other DHI transplant procedures focusing on hair shafts with multiple hairs. For eyebrows, just a single piece of hair can give a natural appearance. Before extraction, local anesthesia is given to the donor region.

Transplantation Starts The recipient region (the eyebrows) is anesthetized local. With this DHI/Choi Implanter Pen, the hair follicles can be transplanted, considering the precise direction and angle in which hair is growing. Essential to get an aesthetic appearance.

Recovery/Follow-up The next day after the surgery, an application of a dressing will be made to make sure your hair's follicles have been securely anchored to dermal tissue and avoid any other medical issues. We will guide you on the best way to take care of your newly transplanted hair and outline a timeline of any behavior or habits you'll need to keep track of throughout the months and weeks. (Like not exposing yourself to direct sunlight to the area for two months and avoiding cutting or causing friction for the first few months.)

Observing Results After Eyebrow Transplantation

The growth process for eyebrows that have been transplanted is identical to a surgical hair transplant procedure. After 15 days of the system, patients might experience a brief condition known as shock-loss. Within the next three months, patients will notice noticeable hair growth. You can see the outcomes in 8-12 months after the procedure.